Our Mission Statement

The Selkirk Medical Group has six family physicians and one midwife providing maternity care.  We focus on family centered care and support mothers in their emotional and medical needs during this exciting time of life. We promote natural labor practices and support mothers and families during their prenatal, labor and post partum experiences. Our team is pleased to provide ongoing care to families as they grow and mature, moving through the stages and challenges of life. We believe that knowing the patient’s family adds a layer of richness to the therapeutic relationship and improves the quality of care we provide.

Don’t miss out on our summer 2022 VIRTUAL GROUP PRENATAL SERIES.
It’s free and it’s on Zoom.

The Midwife-Family Physician Collaborative Maternity Care Model

  • Family Doctors and Registered Midwives are experts in normal pregnancy and birth, breastfeeding, and newborn care
  • Family Medicine is a holistic style of care that addresses medical, emotional, psychological, and spiritual needs
  • Family doctors are unique in the broad range of knowledge and skills they bring to maternity care as a result of their experience providing comprehensive and continuous care throughout the life cycle
  • Midwives provide a dedicated focus during pregnancy and up to 6 weeks post partum
  • As a team we provide family-centered care, responding to the needs and wishes of individual women and their families
  • Family Doctors and Registered Midwives have low rates of interventions in labour (ie. Emergency surgical or medical procedures during labour).
  • Revelstoke maternity services include 24/7/365 availability of anaesthesia and surgery for procedures like epidurals and C-sections when needed.

Meet Our Team of Maternity Providers

How Do I Book an Appointment?

Please book an appointment with your FP or RM Christman to discuss the maternity care options which best suit your needs. 

If you do not have a family doctor, our staff will be happy to book you with one of our maternity providers.

Suggested Maternity Care Resources

Coronavirus in Pregnancy

• Neonatal Coronavirus Handout
COVID Advice for Pregnant and Postpartum Women
COVID-19 Pregnancy Resources, Divisions of Family Practice Vancouver
COVID Vaccine Information for Pregnant People, University of Massachusetts medical school
COVID19-Vaccine, BC Ministry of Health/CDC


Preparing for a healthy pregnancy, Healthlink BC
Baby’s Best Chance, Ministry of Health, Healthy Families BC

First Trimester

Learning About Pregnancy, Healthlink BC
Baby’s Best Chance and Other Resources, Healthy Families BC
Pregnancy Passport, Perinatal Services BC
Optional Prenatal Genetic Screening Program, Perinatal Services BC
Invitae NIPS Patient Handout
Invitae NIPS Pretest Patient Information Video
• Prenatal Education: Please contact Okanagan College in Revelstoke at (250) 837-4235
• Selkirk Medical Group Prenatal Classes, please contact us for next available class dates
Healthy From the Start
Nausea and Vomiting in Pregnancy, Society of Obstetricians and Gynecologists of Canada
Body Changes in Pregnancy, Healthlink BC
Cannabis Fact Sheet, SOGC
Healthy Weight Gain in Pregnancy, SOGC

Second Trimester

Gestational Diabetes, Healthlink BC
When You Need Rh Immune Globulin, Healthlink BC and Interior Health
Whopping Cough/Pertussis Vaccine Information, SOGC

Third Trimester

• Hospital Tour Information: call (250)837-2131 ext. 50288 to book a maternity tour
Planning for Birth, Healthlink BC
Group B Strep Handout, Selkirk Medical
What if I Go Past My Due Date?, Healthlink BC
Labour Induction, Healthlink BC
What if My Baby is Breech?, Healthlink BC
Vaginal Breech Birth, BC Women’s Hospital, Power to Push
What is Preterm Labor?, Healthlink BC
What if My Water Breaks Before 37 Weeks?, Healthlink BC
Advanced Maternal Age and Induction of Labor, Association of Ontario Midwives
Spinning Babies
The Miles Circuit


Signs of Labour, Healthlink BC
When Labour Starts – tips for early labour, Optimal Birth BC
Stages of Labour, Healthlink BC
I want a Healthy Vaginal Birth, Optimal Birth BC
Comfort in Labour, Childbirth Connections
Breathe to Relax Handout, BC Women’s and Children’s Health Centre
Managing Pain, Healthlink BC
Having an Epidural, Optimal Birth BC
Acupressure in Labour, Debra Betts
Acupressure Summary, Sole to Soul Maternity Reflexology
Positions in Labour, Healthlink BC
Medical Procedures During Labour, Healthlink BC
Active Management 3rd Stage of Labour Handout, Selkirk Medical
What is a C-Section?, Healthlink BC
Post-Operative C-Section instructions, Interior Health
Trial of Labor after C-Section, Perinatal Services BC
Vaginal Birth after C-Section, Optimal Birth BC
C-Section Massage a Beginner’s Guide, CPA
powertopush.ca, BC Women’s Hospital

Nutrition and Exercise in Pregnancy

Handout on Diet and Exercise, Selkirk Medical
Healthy Eating in Pregnancy, SOGC
2019 Canadian Guideline for Physical Exercise throughout Pregnancy, CSEP
Healthy Exercise in Pregnancy, SOGC
Healthy Weight Gain in Pregnancy, Health Canada
Healthy Eating and Vitamin Supplements in Pregnancy, Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists
Why Your Weight Matters in Pregnancy, Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists
Iron Deficiency Anemia, IronMom


Revelstoke Doulas


Eye Prophylaxis Handout, Selkirk Medical
Vitamin D in Newborns, HealthLinkBC
Vitamin K for the Newborn, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Jaundice in the Newborn, Canadian Paediatric Society
Hearing Screening, BC Provincial Health Services Authority
Hearing Screening Handout, BC Provincial Health Services Authority
Parenting and Pregnancy Website, Healthy Families BC
Understanding Crying, The Period of Purple Crying, National Center on Shaken Baby Syndrome
Safe Sleeping for Babies, Canadian Paediatric Society
Safe Sleep for your Baby, Public Health Agency of Canada
Kissable-Visible Safe Baby Wearing Means, Health Canada/Baby Carrier Alliance


Breastfeeding – The First Three Weeks, Adapted from the Midwifery Group, Vancouver
Breastfeeding Your Baby, Government of Manitoba
Latching On Checklist, Midwifery Group, Vancouver
Baby Feeding Cues, Queensland Government/Interior Health
Breastfeeding My Baby Guide, Perinatal Services BC/Ministry of Health
Increase Breast Milk Supply, Fraser Health

Hand Expression, Unicef UK
• Free online Breastfeeding course for clients (40 min.) https://www.naturalbreastfeeding.com/
• Nancy Mohrbacher: set of great videos
Breastfeeding Article’s and Resources, Healthy Families BC
Global Health Breastfeeding videos

Helpful Websites:
Jack Newman’s Site, Newman Breastfeeding Clinic
La Leche League: now offering virtual breastfeeding support

Book Suggestions:
Breastfeeding Made Simple

Breastfeeding Buddies: Healthy Families BC – free
Breastfeeding Solutions, Nancy Mohrbacher – small fee

Revelstoke Public Health is another great resource for breastfeeding.  Public health nurses provide individualized support at home or at the public health unit.  Contact a public health nurse in Revelstoke at (250)814-2244.  Grow With Me is a weekly drop-in support service providing expert support for breastfeeding and newborn development questions Wednesday 9-10:30 am at Begbie View Elementary

Postpartum Information

Your Body After Baby Handout, Red Cedar Physiotherapy
Pelvic Health Physiotherapy, During Pregnancy and Beyond, CPA
Push Plan Guide: Insights from a Pelvic Health Physical Therapist, Mommy Berries 
How to do a perineal massage, Mama Natural
What to Expect Postpartum, HealthLinkBC
Your Postpartum Body, Adapted from the Midwifery Group, Vancouver
C-section massage, a beginner’s guide, Women’s Health CPA
4 Postpartum Ps, CPA


Why Choose to Vaccinate? When to Vaccinate? Safety of Vaccinations, Immunize BC, BC Centre for Disease Control
Immunization Schedule, HealthLinkBC

Contraception Advice

Sexuality and You Website, Society of Obstetricians and Gynecologists of Canada

Community Resources

• Pregnancy, childbirth, and new parenthood can bring physical and emotional challenges.  Knowing what to expect can make these changes easier to handle and enjoy.  Contact a Public Health Nurse to learn important information at (250) 814-2244.
Revelstoke Early Years Centre & Early Childhood Development

Prenatal Education

Okanagan College prenatal classes (note due to COVID 19 courses have been centralized and no longer taught locally)

Selkirk Medical Group Virtual Prenatal classes: 4 sessions repeated 2-3 times per calendar year. 1/ Breastfeeding, infant care and Safety 2/ Maternal Wellness 3/ Your Postpartum Body 4/ Labour and Delivery.

Sessions taught collaboratively with our local allied health professionals. Order above varies based on provider availability. Please sign up for whatever sessions you want by contacting us. A commitment to all 4 is not necessary. These sessions are free of charge.

How do I find out when the next dates are? Talk to your maternity provider. Sessions are advertised at the clinic.
Advertised on our Facebook page weekly when sessions are happening.

How do I book? Please call our front desk to book your session. An email invite will be sent out a few days prior to the session. Please notify us if you did not receive the invite. 

Pregnancy Loss

Miscarriage patient information, BC Women’s Hospital
Treatment Options, BC Women’s Hospital